Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 18::

Plans/dreams/goals you have..

I have one, or I guess two now, set goals in life. First of all, this was a goal made before my little one was even a mere thought in our minds, my goal for life has been to finish college and get my associates so I can get into Nursing school. Now, I want to prove that it can still be done with a child in your list of distractions. My mom is 43 and is still trying to complete her basics and get into the nursing program. I hope that she can finally do it soon, but I also want to make her proud that I was able to accomplish it even with a child.

Now that Joseph is here, I have another goal/plan/dream for life, and that is to raise a healthy, happy, intelligent, sweet, kind, beautiful little boy and make him proud as his mama. I want him to know that no matter what he does that I will always be proud of him and accept him and support him through it all. I want him to know he can always come home to us and come to us with any problems. And I want him to know that he is loved, not just by materialistic things, but really loved. I want to show him always that I love him completely. < 3

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