Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do you do it, make me feel like I do......

So lately Joey has been meeting so many milestones... it makes me so excited! He FINALLY rolled over from his back to his tummy today without help, twice! I was so happy. He is also sitting up now by himself. He is still a little wobbly sometimes, today he fell over and hurt himself on his toy. But he's ok. He is also eating baby food more regularly now. He is not liking a lot of the vegetables, but hopefully he'll get used to them. OH and!.. he is starting to stand also. If I stand him up and put him up against my legs or against the couch he will stand there for a little while. The jumper I got him is really helping his leg muscles get strong. He's making me so proud! :) My little munchkin. < 3

Mark just found out today he is getting moved to a different site. Which sucks for me because I don't think I'll be able to talk to him everyday like I do right now. Also his pay is not going to be as much there, the per diem is going from $55 a day or so where he is now, to like $3 or $5 a day. He will begin to get hazard pay which he doesn't get right now but still. I guess our plan to have extra saved money when he comes home is shot! Ugh. As long as we're able to rid of our debts then I guess that's the most important thing. Plus he is going to be getting a better income tax next year right after he gets home so we still have that to look forward to at least. He isn't leaving until late July though, so we still have another month of the good per diem at least.

Well I should head out. Be back soon.....

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