Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And there's no one that comes close to you...

I started school this week. I am very happy. This is something I needed, definitely. It sucks having to leave my little one for 3 hours, but it is also nice to get a break now and then. And in the end this is all for him. :) I had to start my online classes on Monday, Spanish and Psychology. I was pretty nervous about both. Spanish seems like it is pretty simple though, but I am scared to do the oral assignments :S. Ha. Psychology also doesn't seem TOO hard as long as I keep up with the assignments, but it is definitely going to be plenty of reading and writing. I also feel like I am not smart or .. deep-thinking.. enough for that class. But I'm sure I'll do fine.

And then yesterday was my first day of campus classes, Math and Sociology. They too I think will be pretty simple as long as I keep up with my assignments. Well math is always easy for me once I get the hang of it. I don't think sociology will be a whole lot of writing, but it does seem like it will be a little fun.

Joseph has been a little sick the last 2 days. :( He has a cold. My poor baby. I am also babysitting again for today. Stephanie has a few places to apply at. So hopefully she gets something soon, and then I can have a job again! :)

Ok I better go Melody just woke up from her nap. Time to get off.

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