What I would find in your bag.
In my purse I have a bunch of junk basically, stuff I don't HAVE to have in there, but do. I have my wallet, which I do need obviously, my camera, some perfume, a pen, receipts, some nail polish, a necklace, and I can't think of anything else. That actually isn't a lot at all, but I have a small purse and kind of a big wallet so it kinda is. I definitely never want to have a purse as big as my moms. She has such a huge purse and seriously does carry around a bunch of crap that she doesn't have to carry around. I can't imagine having to carry around that big thing everyday.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 24::
A letter to your parents-
First of all - I found the card! haha. That was a huge relief. Thank goodness!!!!
Dear mom,
I hope you know that no matter what, I love you and appreciate everything you have ever done. Now that I am older I understand so much more. There are still things that I think you can change or work on, but overall you do the best job you can as a mom. I know that this whole ordeal with dad has been tough on you, and I am so sorry that you had to go through this, but hopefully in the end it will make you a much stronger woman. I am proud of you. I love you to death. < 3
Dear dad,
I have already written a letter to you recently, so there isn't a whole lot to say at this time. I still love you no matter what, and I hope that we can be ok at some point. I will always remember the days when I was "daddy's girl", just like your shirt says. :) I love you so much, that's all I can really say. Through all of this, you are still my dad, and I love you. < 3
First of all - I found the card! haha. That was a huge relief. Thank goodness!!!!
Dear mom,
I hope you know that no matter what, I love you and appreciate everything you have ever done. Now that I am older I understand so much more. There are still things that I think you can change or work on, but overall you do the best job you can as a mom. I know that this whole ordeal with dad has been tough on you, and I am so sorry that you had to go through this, but hopefully in the end it will make you a much stronger woman. I am proud of you. I love you to death. < 3
Dear dad,
I have already written a letter to you recently, so there isn't a whole lot to say at this time. I still love you no matter what, and I hope that we can be ok at some point. I will always remember the days when I was "daddy's girl", just like your shirt says. :) I love you so much, that's all I can really say. Through all of this, you are still my dad, and I love you. < 3
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 23::
Something you crave for a lot...
I am not in the mood to explain right now. I just love it. Anyway, I'm in deep shit. I lost our freaking bank card. I went to eat with my sister, paid with it and stuck it in my pocket until I got Joey in the car, took her back to school, then went to HEB to get a few things and couldn't find it. I had forgot to put it back in my purse once I got in the car before. And now it's gone. I have no idea what could have happened to it. This sucks. And the bank won't let me call and cancel the card because my name isn't on the account. Ugh he should have freakin gave me the power of attorney before he left. Damnit. Just in case anything ever happens. Everyone kept telling him to do that but no. So now I just have to wait until he gets my email and calls and cancels it. Hopefully no one has used it by then. Crap!!!!!!!!!!
I am not in the mood to explain right now. I just love it. Anyway, I'm in deep shit. I lost our freaking bank card. I went to eat with my sister, paid with it and stuck it in my pocket until I got Joey in the car, took her back to school, then went to HEB to get a few things and couldn't find it. I had forgot to put it back in my purse once I got in the car before. And now it's gone. I have no idea what could have happened to it. This sucks. And the bank won't let me call and cancel the card because my name isn't on the account. Ugh he should have freakin gave me the power of attorney before he left. Damnit. Just in case anything ever happens. Everyone kept telling him to do that but no. So now I just have to wait until he gets my email and calls and cancels it. Hopefully no one has used it by then. Crap!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 22::
What makes you different from everyone else..
Well I think one thing is that I consider myself extremely motivated when it comes to my future. I feel like nothing can stop me forever. I also think I have a lot more common sense then most people.
Well I think one thing is that I consider myself extremely motivated when it comes to my future. I feel like nothing can stop me forever. I also think I have a lot more common sense then most people.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 21::
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 20::
Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future..
Uh, my super awesome amazing beautiful hubby of course! There's NO ONE else I'd rather be with ever. We have 6 1/2 years under our sleeve so far and I can't wait until we're old and gray and can say we have been together for 66 1/2 years! :) Or more. Hopefully we live that long haha.)
I love you poopy face! < 3
Uh, my super awesome amazing beautiful hubby of course! There's NO ONE else I'd rather be with ever. We have 6 1/2 years under our sleeve so far and I can't wait until we're old and gray and can say we have been together for 66 1/2 years! :) Or more. Hopefully we live that long haha.)
I love you poopy face! < 3
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 19::
Nicknames you have and why you have them.
I really only have 2 nicknames. The first one is Panda, which mainly only 2 of my cousins call me. That's just always been what they called me. And then my other one, which should pretty much be my name because it's what everyone says, is Manda. Just taking away the first A, but I almost like it better haha.
I really only have 2 nicknames. The first one is Panda, which mainly only 2 of my cousins call me. That's just always been what they called me. And then my other one, which should pretty much be my name because it's what everyone says, is Manda. Just taking away the first A, but I almost like it better haha.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 18::
Plans/dreams/goals you have..
I have one, or I guess two now, set goals in life. First of all, this was a goal made before my little one was even a mere thought in our minds, my goal for life has been to finish college and get my associates so I can get into Nursing school. Now, I want to prove that it can still be done with a child in your list of distractions. My mom is 43 and is still trying to complete her basics and get into the nursing program. I hope that she can finally do it soon, but I also want to make her proud that I was able to accomplish it even with a child.
Now that Joseph is here, I have another goal/plan/dream for life, and that is to raise a healthy, happy, intelligent, sweet, kind, beautiful little boy and make him proud as his mama. I want him to know that no matter what he does that I will always be proud of him and accept him and support him through it all. I want him to know he can always come home to us and come to us with any problems. And I want him to know that he is loved, not just by materialistic things, but really loved. I want to show him always that I love him completely. < 3
I have one, or I guess two now, set goals in life. First of all, this was a goal made before my little one was even a mere thought in our minds, my goal for life has been to finish college and get my associates so I can get into Nursing school. Now, I want to prove that it can still be done with a child in your list of distractions. My mom is 43 and is still trying to complete her basics and get into the nursing program. I hope that she can finally do it soon, but I also want to make her proud that I was able to accomplish it even with a child.
Now that Joseph is here, I have another goal/plan/dream for life, and that is to raise a healthy, happy, intelligent, sweet, kind, beautiful little boy and make him proud as his mama. I want him to know that no matter what he does that I will always be proud of him and accept him and support him through it all. I want him to know he can always come home to us and come to us with any problems. And I want him to know that he is loved, not just by materialistic things, but really loved. I want to show him always that I love him completely. < 3
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 17::
Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
Right now that would without a doubt be my hubby. I would want to see exactly what he does everyday, and to see how Africa is. :) It would be very interesting. I would want to see how he works and spends his time when he isn't working.. because there is nothing to do there. But most of all I would want to switch with him so that he could, for at least one day, see his baby boy after all this time. So he could spend that whole day with him getting to know him since he's grown and do everything he hasn't been able to do with him so far and see everything about him that he hasn't been able to. That would be the best anniversary gift I could give him, if it were possible. And now I really wish it was. We can't wait for you to come home daddy! < 3
Right now that would without a doubt be my hubby. I would want to see exactly what he does everyday, and to see how Africa is. :) It would be very interesting. I would want to see how he works and spends his time when he isn't working.. because there is nothing to do there. But most of all I would want to switch with him so that he could, for at least one day, see his baby boy after all this time. So he could spend that whole day with him getting to know him since he's grown and do everything he hasn't been able to do with him so far and see everything about him that he hasn't been able to. That would be the best anniversary gift I could give him, if it were possible. And now I really wish it was. We can't wait for you to come home daddy! < 3
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 15::
Put you ipod (itunes) on shuffle: first 10 songs that play:
1. DJ Tiesto - Eternity
2. Underoath - Alone in December
3. NB Ridaz - I Wanna Love You
4. Lil Wayne - Back on my Grizzy
5. HIM - Razorblade Kiss
6. The Who & Peter Townsend - Let My Love Open the Door
7. Carrie Underwood - Look At Me
8. Fear Before the March of Flames - The God Awful Truth
9. 2Pac - Young Niggas
10. Melissa Ethridge - I'm the Only One
1. DJ Tiesto - Eternity
2. Underoath - Alone in December
3. NB Ridaz - I Wanna Love You
4. Lil Wayne - Back on my Grizzy
5. HIM - Razorblade Kiss
6. The Who & Peter Townsend - Let My Love Open the Door
7. Carrie Underwood - Look At Me
8. Fear Before the March of Flames - The God Awful Truth
9. 2Pac - Young Niggas
10. Melissa Ethridge - I'm the Only One
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 14::
A picture of you and your family..
This is a favorite topic of mine. I think my husband and I have created a beautiful family so far. :) I think we look so nice together. I have a few favorite pics so I will just post a few.

This was one of our first family pictures together. < 3

Our first Christmas as a family.

I love this Easter picture. It came out nice (besides being blurry) even though we did it ourselves with the camera timer.

One of our last nights with daddy before he left.
This is a favorite topic of mine. I think my husband and I have created a beautiful family so far. :) I think we look so nice together. I have a few favorite pics so I will just post a few.
This was one of our first family pictures together. < 3
Our first Christmas as a family.
I love this Easter picture. It came out nice (besides being blurry) even though we did it ourselves with the camera timer.
One of our last nights with daddy before he left.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 13::
A letter to someone who has hurt you recently...
Well this is by now a very well known situation. And he didn't exactly hurt ME personally, but what he did still did affect me very much. This is to my dad.
Dear daddy,
I'm sorry that our relationship is forever going to be tainted because of your mistake. I hate what you did, but I will never hate you. I hope that one day we can be normal again, and I know that all that it takes is me to be able to forgive you and move on, but it'll be hard. I love you, always will.
Well this is by now a very well known situation. And he didn't exactly hurt ME personally, but what he did still did affect me very much. This is to my dad.
Dear daddy,
I'm sorry that our relationship is forever going to be tainted because of your mistake. I hate what you did, but I will never hate you. I hope that one day we can be normal again, and I know that all that it takes is me to be able to forgive you and move on, but it'll be hard. I love you, always will.
Day 12::
How you found out about blogger and why you have one...
I found out about blogger just by browsing. And I love having an online journal, I have always had one since before I started high school. First it was greatestjournal, then I made myself a livejournal and had both of those. Then greatestjournal died so I was just left with livejournal. Then I found blogger, made one and kept them both, until now, and I basically just use this mostly. :)
I found out about blogger just by browsing. And I love having an online journal, I have always had one since before I started high school. First it was greatestjournal, then I made myself a livejournal and had both of those. Then greatestjournal died so I was just left with livejournal. Then I found blogger, made one and kept them both, until now, and I basically just use this mostly. :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 11::
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Day 10::
Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad...
I pretty much just listen to the same stuff all the time. I guess when I'm feeling in the lovey mood I listen to country. But for the most part I just listen to hip hop and country, at least in the car. There hasn't been very many new rock artists that I really like anymore, I don't really look for them either though. Except for that Jonny Craig guy. He's awesome. So I listen to him a lot also.
I pretty much just listen to the same stuff all the time. I guess when I'm feeling in the lovey mood I listen to country. But for the most part I just listen to hip hop and country, at least in the car. There hasn't been very many new rock artists that I really like anymore, I don't really look for them either though. Except for that Jonny Craig guy. He's awesome. So I listen to him a lot also.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 9::
Something you're proud of in the past few days-
Well for starters I am proud of the $700 we were able to put in savings this last paycheck. That puts us at $2,200 in savings now. Which is something we've never had just put away before. Haha it's kinda funny when I think about it because that's basically just one of our paychecks, but honestly, how many people can actually afford to have $2000 in savings after just a month and a half. Not many, well at least not many people like us. So our savings is definitely something I am proud of right now.
I am also proud of starting back up in school. It's been a while but I'm back! :)
Well for starters I am proud of the $700 we were able to put in savings this last paycheck. That puts us at $2,200 in savings now. Which is something we've never had just put away before. Haha it's kinda funny when I think about it because that's basically just one of our paychecks, but honestly, how many people can actually afford to have $2000 in savings after just a month and a half. Not many, well at least not many people like us. So our savings is definitely something I am proud of right now.
I am also proud of starting back up in school. It's been a while but I'm back! :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 8::
Short term goals for this month...
1. Push myself in school, the better I do the happier I'll be doing it!
2. Get Joey to start standing.. but we're in no hurry of course. :)
3. Finish paying off my credit card.
4. Take nice pictures at the end of the month for daddy.
5. Start up a book, or folder, of recipes so that I can cook for Mark when we're back home.
6. Find Joey a halloween costume. :)
7. Make wise choices financially and otherwise.
8. ... Finish watching the degrassi episodes. haha. (I couldn't think of one last thing.)
1. Push myself in school, the better I do the happier I'll be doing it!
2. Get Joey to start standing.. but we're in no hurry of course. :)
3. Finish paying off my credit card.
4. Take nice pictures at the end of the month for daddy.
5. Start up a book, or folder, of recipes so that I can cook for Mark when we're back home.
6. Find Joey a halloween costume. :)
7. Make wise choices financially and otherwise.
8. ... Finish watching the degrassi episodes. haha. (I couldn't think of one last thing.)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 7::
A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you. Well I can't just choose one so, I'm sure you know who my 2 people will be.
First, the love of my life...

We met at the end of 9th grade and have been inseparable since. He taught me what it's like to really love someone for who they are. He didn't have the best life, he couldn't buy me what I wanted, he didn't have a car to take me on dates or drive me home, he didn't even have a great paying job. But none of that mattered to me. I loved him for him, all the way through. He has stuck with me this long and I am grateful for that. He is someone I can trust and depend on always, and I know that he will never let me down. Now that we are older he has turned his life into something and he not only did it for himself, but for us. I remember him telling me that, when I was so upset that he joined the Navy, he told me "I am doing this for us." I can't believe someone could really love me as much as he does. We have come so far and I love where we are and the life we have together, and the life we CREATED together. I love you markypoo < 3.
Next, is the second love of my life :). If it wasn't for the above, he wouldn't even be here.

This little boy has changed my life so much. I feel like I have grown up a ton in the last year. From finding out I was pregnant, to finding out there were complications, to finally seeing him with my own eyes, it really made me realize that life is too short and you can't dwell on things. We are lucky that he recovered as quickly as he did, or that he even recovered at all. I hate to say that, but it has happened. I am so grateful that my little boy survived and was a tough one and stuck around to make his mommy and daddy the proudest people in the world. Everything I do now and have planned for my future is not only for me, but for him as well. I want him to be able to say that my world not only revolved around him, but that I made the best of my future so that he could have the best life. I love this boy more than words could ever possibly explain. He is my whole life and I hope he always knows that. I love you little munchkin! < 3
First, the love of my life...

We met at the end of 9th grade and have been inseparable since. He taught me what it's like to really love someone for who they are. He didn't have the best life, he couldn't buy me what I wanted, he didn't have a car to take me on dates or drive me home, he didn't even have a great paying job. But none of that mattered to me. I loved him for him, all the way through. He has stuck with me this long and I am grateful for that. He is someone I can trust and depend on always, and I know that he will never let me down. Now that we are older he has turned his life into something and he not only did it for himself, but for us. I remember him telling me that, when I was so upset that he joined the Navy, he told me "I am doing this for us." I can't believe someone could really love me as much as he does. We have come so far and I love where we are and the life we have together, and the life we CREATED together. I love you markypoo < 3.
Next, is the second love of my life :). If it wasn't for the above, he wouldn't even be here.
This little boy has changed my life so much. I feel like I have grown up a ton in the last year. From finding out I was pregnant, to finding out there were complications, to finally seeing him with my own eyes, it really made me realize that life is too short and you can't dwell on things. We are lucky that he recovered as quickly as he did, or that he even recovered at all. I hate to say that, but it has happened. I am so grateful that my little boy survived and was a tough one and stuck around to make his mommy and daddy the proudest people in the world. Everything I do now and have planned for my future is not only for me, but for him as well. I want him to be able to say that my world not only revolved around him, but that I made the best of my future so that he could have the best life. I love this boy more than words could ever possibly explain. He is my whole life and I hope he always knows that. I love you little munchkin! < 3
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 6::
A favorite super hero and why....
This is a tough one. I was never really into the superhero thing. I guess if I had to choose one it would be spiderman just because I was more into that when the new movies started coming out and my little brother loved them. The movies are pretty awesome.
This is a tough one. I was never really into the superhero thing. I guess if I had to choose one it would be spiderman just because I was more into that when the new movies started coming out and my little brother loved them. The movies are pretty awesome.
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